As there is a high demand in shipping HAY, STRAW or BHUSA from Ventspils to Nynashamn, we want to inform you that by IMDG code (Transport by Sea) this cargo is considered as Dangerous Goods (UN1327, Class 4.1) and needs an IMDG Declaration to be shipped.
IMDG declaration needs to be submitted to our Customer Service office by email 24 hours prior departure.
Only exception when HAY, STRAW or BHUSA can be shipped without declaration and only with a Certificate is mentioned in Special Provision 954:
"The provisions of this Code shall not apply to consignments of compressed baled hay with a moisture content of less than 14% shipped in closed cargo transport units and accompanied by a certificate from the shipper stating that the product does not present any class 4.1, UN 1327, hazard in transport and that its moisture content is less than 14%."
Stena Line
If you have any questions regarding the movement of hazardous goods by ferry, take a look at our Booking Dangerous Goods guide or contact our customer service team.