Please be reminded that commencing 1st October 2021 it will be mandatory for all Vehicles leaving the UK to EU to have a Safety & Security Declaration, also known as an Exit Summary Declaration (EXS), this is in addition to the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) requirement that has been in place since 1st January. It is the responsibility of all hauliers to ensure that all vehicles in the below categories, shipping from the UK, have made an EXS declaration.
- Empty pallets, empty containers and/or empty vehicles being moved under a transport contract
- Goods which remain in storage for more than 14 days
- Goods which have remained in temporary storage for less than 14 days, but the import ENS details are unknown, or the destination consignee has changed
- Goods being moved under transit using either a Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) or a Transit Security Accompanying Document (TSAD) – i.e. T2 from Ireland via UK landbridge
As this is a government requirement and mandatory, the EXS declaration is part of the booking terms and conditions.